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Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, marks the beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. It falls between March 21st and April 19th. In English, we say "Aries is from March 21st to April 19th." People born under this sign are often described as energetic, adventurous, and passionate.


Following Aries is Taurus, the sign associated with stability and earthiness. Taurus individuals are born between April 20th and May 20th. In English, this period is expressed as "Taurus spans from April 20th to May 20th." Known for their perseverance, loyalty, and love for luxury, Taurus people are the embodiment of steadfastness.


Gemini, the sign of the twins, signifies communication and adaptability. Born between May 21st and June 21st, Geminis are described in English as "falling between May 21st and June 21st." They are known for their intelligence, curiosity, and social skills, always thriving in environments that stimulate their minds.


Cancer, the crab, represents emotional depth and family ties. This sign covers the period from June 22nd to July 22nd. In English, we say "Cancer is from June 22nd to July 22nd." Cancerians are known for their empathy, nurturing nature, and strong sense of belonging to their loved ones.


Leo, the lion, embodies creativity, leadership, and drama. Born between July 23rd and August 22nd, Leos are described in English as "spanning from July 23rd to August 22nd." They are natural born performers, always seeking attention and admiration, with a heart full of generosity and warmth.


Virgo, the maiden, is the sign of perfectionism and analysis. This sign covers the dates from August 23rd to September 22nd. In English, we express it as "Virgo is from August 23rd to September 22nd." Virgos are known for their attention to detail, organizational skills, and their innate ability to improve upon anything they touch.


Libra, the scales, represents balance, harmony, and diplomacy. Born between September 23rd and October 23rd, Libras are described in English as "falling between September 23rd and October 23rd." They are charming, fair-minded, and always strive for peace in their relationships.


Scorpio, the scorpion, signifies intensity, passion, and transformation. This sign covers the dates from October 24th to November 22nd. In English, it is stated as "Scorpio spans from October 24th to November 22nd." Scorpios are known for their deep emotions, loyalty, and their ability to see through people's masks.


Sagittarius, the archer, embodies adventure, optimism, and a love for freedom. Born between November 23rd and December 21st, Sagittarians are described in English as "being born between November 23rd and December 21st." They are philosophical, love to travel, and always seek new experiences and knowledge.


Capricorn, the sea-goat, represents ambition, responsibility, and practicality. This sign covers the period from December 22nd to January 19th. In English, we say "Capricorn is from December 22nd to January 19th." Capricorns are known for their hard work, discipline, and their ability to achieve long-term goals.


Aquarius, the water bearer, signifies innovation, independence, and humanitarianism. Born between January 20th and February 18th, Aquarians are described in English as "spanning from January 20th to February 18th." They are progressive thinkers, social reformers, and always ready to break the mold for a better future.


Pisces, the fish, represents compassion, imagination, and spiritual awareness. This sign covers the dates from February 19th to March 20th. In English, it is stated as "Pisces is from February 19th to March 20th." Pisces individuals are known for their empathy, creativity, and their ability to connect with the deeper aspects of life.

In conclusion, each of the twelve zodiac signs has its unique time frame within the calendar year, marking specific months and dates that correspond to the celestial positions of the stars. Understanding these dates not only helps in identifying one's astrological sign but also offers insights into the personality traits and characteristics associated with each sign. Whether you believe in the power of the stars or not, the study of astrology remains a fascinating way to explore the mysteries of human nature and the universe.


